Fun Fact:
Dogs curl up into a ball when they sleep because of an old instinct to keep themselves warm and protect themselves from harmful predators. Although I would like to believe it is because they know they are so darn cute when they do this!
Tick Talk
Did you know that ticks can survive in weather that is above 4 degrees! They are hearty creatures that do their best to latch onto us and our pet. Dogs can pick up ticks from other animals, humans, on walks, and of course by not being on prevention.
It is important that your dog is on prevention against ticks year around! The reason why I keep my dog on prevention year round is because of those “unpredictable winters” and summers, never knowing when the weather might spontaneously warm up or cool down. The year-round prevention of my choice is Bravecto!
Check out the life cycle of the tick below:
Source (Image): CDC
A fun fact about the beloved Collie: Collies originated in Scotland approximately 350 years ago. Back then they were primarily used as herding animals. Some farmers still use them for herding these days, but more often than not, they are know to be beloved household pets.
Source: We Love Collies